Elisa Goodman
Illustrator of Curmudgeon Cards

Welcome! I’m Elisa R. Goodman and thank you so much for taking an interest in my work. I’ll get right to it and answer the #1 asked question I’m always asked: “What the HELL is a CURMUDGEON CARD? Here’s what I can tell you…
CURMUDGEON CARDS is not about the types of cards I design. It’s about the person behind the name. You may have noticed my hilarious baby picture which is offering a preview of who I will endeavor to become – a comedic being with attitude. Even from a young age, I was told I was funny – and my quirky style was on full display at my HOBO-themed birthday party when I was about seven. All I can tell you is that I come from an artistic line of curmudgeons – and the way I like to define our lineage is, “Lovable, but Crusty.” Hence, my tagline is “Creativity with Attitude!”